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◎ Artisans, say, taxi drivers, prostitutes (a very, very old profession), carpenters, plumbers, tailors, and dentists, have some volatility in their income but they are rather robust to a minor professional Black Swan, one that would bring their income to a complete halt. Their risks are visible. Not so with employees, who have no volatility, but can be surprised to see their income going to zero after a phone call from the personnel department. Employees' risks are hidden.

ref: Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Antifragile - Random House


Employees' risks are hidden ( ☆ so they can be more fragile) 这倒是以前没有想过。

Randomness 不是坏事,却让很多人害怕。我觉得自由职业给人的安全感反而多一些,自己对自己的手艺负责,敷衍就会付出代价,风险看得会相对分明。

当然,前提是在环境要自由。如果周遭的叙事方式是「没有 XXX,就没有 XXX」,那你的一切都是基于这个 XXX,随时可以收回,你其实一无所有,无非这锤子这次有没有砸到你而已。



Taleb 讲的是人世间事,可有的人,生活在地狱啊。